7.1 Business objectives
Different enterprises have different aims and
7.2 Action plans
The purpose and importance of action plans
Contents of action plans
Methods of monitoring action plans
The importance of updating action plans
7.3 Business plans
The purpose and importance of business plans
Contents of business plans
Methods of monitoring business plans
Reasons for updating business plans
Cambridge IGCSE Enterprise equips learners with a range of vital life skills for use in planning and organisation, communication and financial management.
1.1 What is meant by enterprise
What enterprise is
Who stakeholders are
• enterprise capability (being innovative, creative,
taking and managing risks, positive attitude)
• business enterprise
• social enterprise.
1.2 Ways for students to be enterprising in everyday life
Ways of being enterprising:
• at school
• at home.
2 Setting up a new enterprise
2.1 The enterprise process
Six stages of the enterprise process:
1 identifying the problem or need or want
2 exploring creative solutions
3 action planning
4 implementing the plan
5 monitoring progress
6 evaluation of successes and failures.
2.2 Types of business organisation
Different kinds of organisation, including:
• sole trader
• partnership
• limited company
• co-operative
• franchise
• social enterprise: charities, not-for-profit
8.1 The purpose of marketing
Marketing to achieve enterprise aims
Marketing from the perspective of customers
8.2 Market research
Methods of identifying potential customers
The effectiveness of methods for different enterprises
8.3 Customer retention
The reasons for retaining customers
Methods of measuring customer satisfaction and
Methods of retaining existing customers
8.4 Marketing communications
Methods of marketing communication to reach
intended customers
Selecting appropriate methods for different
6.1 Sources of finance
Advantages and disadvantages of different sources of:
• start-up funding
• funding for continuing trade and expansion
6.2 The concept of trade credit
Advantages and disadvantages of trade credit
6.3 Financial terms
Cash flow forecast
Income statement
6.4 Financial records
The purpose and importance of keeping accurate
financial records
Unit 1: The travel and tourism industry
1.1 Understand and explain the structure of the international travel and tourism industry
1.2 Investigate the social, cultural, economic and environmental impact of travel and tourism
1.3 Identify the role of national governments in forming tourism policy and promotion
1.4 Investigate the patterns of demand for international travel and tourism
Note: Text book used:
Cambridge IGCSE Travel and Tourism
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Author: Smith, J D and Warburton, F
ISBN 9780521149228
10.1 Types of communication
Formal and informal communication
Verbal and non-verbal communication
Appropriateness of different types of communication for communicating with internal and external stakeholders
The need for careful planning, considering possible outcomes before, during and after the event
Documents for meetings and presentations
The need to analyse and evaluate if meetings or presentations have been successful
9.1 Sources of help and support
Formal sources and the assistance they offer
Informal sources and the assistance they offer
Suitability of different sources of help and support for
the enterprise
4.1 Opportunities
How opportunities arise, including:
• changing needs or wants for a product or service
• change in the ability to meet needs or wants
• advances in technology
• changes in government policy.
4.2 Risk
Risks involved in enterprise
Identify risks
Analyse the implications of each risk
Decide if the risk is worth taking or not
Plan how to manage the risks
Attitudes to risk
4.3 Legal obligations
Why laws and regulations to protect stakeholders are
needed in the areas of:
• employment
• production
• marketing and selling
• finance.
The impact of laws and regulations on all
stakeholders in these areas
4.4 Ethical considerations
How an enterprise may have an impact on
communities and society
Ethical considerations within enterprise (i.e. choosing
to run an enterprise following moral values and
The impact of ethical considerations on the operation
of an enterprise
Unit 2: Features of worldwide destinations
2.1 Demonstrate knowledge of the main global features
2.2 Demonstrate awareness of different time zones and climates
2.3 Investigate travel and tourism destinations
2.4 Identify and describe the features which attract tourists to a particular destination
Unit 4: Travel and tourism products and services
4.1 Identify and describe tourism products
4.2 Explore the roles of tour operators and travel agents in the chain of distribution
4.3 Describe support facilities for travel and tourism
4.4 Explore the features of worldwide transport in relation to major international routes
Unit 5: Marketing and promotion
5.1 Role and function of marketing and promotion
5.2 Market segmentation and targeting
5.3 Product as part of the marketing mix
5.4 Price as part of the marketing mix
5.5 Place as part of the marketing mix
5.6 Promotion as part of the marketing mix
Unit 3: Customer care and working procedures
3.1 Deal with customers and colleagues – “the moment of truth”
3.2 Identify the essential personal skills required when working in the travel and tourism industry
3.3 Follow basic procedures when handling customer enquiries, making reservations and payments
3.4 Use reference sources to obtain information
3.5 Explore the presentation and promotion of tourist facilities
These units used to explore the background to the travel and tourism industry and more specific areas.
Unit 1: The travel and tourism industry
Unit 2: Features of worldwide destinations
Unit 3: Customer care and working procedures
Unit 4: Travel and tourism products and services
Unit 5: Marketing and promotion